Before pursuing someone, be clear with your intentions.

Some messages or words of affections can confuse anyone like saying "I like you," it can make anyone believe that what you really meant was you liked him/her period. 

Liking someone can be as simple as liking you as my bestfriend, as a friend but always be clear and never let her/him be confused. Why? Because the moment you crossed that line and confused her/him will just make her/him easily fall for you.

I was never the type to like someone so easily but I guess I was the type to get attached to someone so fast. But believe me, I'm not that stupid to just fall for someone, specially if your intentions were clear from the very start.

I was broken again, crying for days because of someone who confused me so much from the very start when he told me that he liked me. I actually ignored that and I thought he was joking but days go by, as I started getting used on messaging him as part of my daily cycle, I started asking myself if this guy really did like me. I mean is he that heartless to make me feel something when I supposed to not feel anything at all.

I tried hiding what I feel but the more I hide, the more it shows. I guess that was my weakness. And you know the part that really hurts was not the part that he only liked me as a friend but the fact that he left so many messages and words that up until now echoes on my mind. And the fact that he never apologize makes it more sad at the same time it made me just realize that he was not really worth it.

I would never imagine to be told that the reason why my friends talk behind me was because I was overly sensitive when in fact you don't even know who my real friend are. The fact that you told me I should wake up from my fantasy when in fact you were the one making those fantasies and confusing me with your actions. And the fact that I was told that I was fat and that he will never ever meet me again and that I was pathetic to keep on sharing my memories from Facebook because I was thinner back then makes me so sad for days that up until, I was afraid to eat knowing that someone and not just him could feel that way. You have hurt me so much why hurt me more with your words that can scar me and the way I think about myself..

Now I'm okay..

Better than the past few days of crying and eating less.

I guess at the end of day, though I lost, I gained something big, more than just a lesson to really take good care of my heart and to not let anyone break it.

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